I decided a few weeks ago to set up a small research and development workshop so that volunteers could carry on developing the energy- and money- saving technologies that I´ve been working on. Miguel, my landlord, graciously agreed to let me use part of the big room below my apartment that was being used for storage. I´ve been outfitting it with tools and equipment for working with wood, metal, styrofoam, etc., and instruments for conducting experiments, like a gas flowmeter, balance and thermometer. Yesterday we had the formal opening of the workshop with a half-day class. Only about half of the people who said they were interested in attending actually showed up, but there were at least two, Lucy and Olivia, who are planning to volunteer in the workshop.

And the fact that they are women makes them more valuable in the role of disseminating information, since most of our potential users are women, and men are regarded as knowing nothing about cooking.
Several other friends are donating their labor to help build workbenches, shelves, etc. The mission of the workshop, which we´ve named
Centro de Investigaciones en TecnologĂa Ahorradora -- Research Center for Saving Technology -- is to develop, implement, test and disseminate low-cost technologies that conserve energy (hence money) and are applicable to the needs of the poorest members of society.

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