This past weekend we celebrated the first anniversary of Lucy and Walter´s workshops with the mothers of the community of Guadulfo Silva in Lurín, a little town south of Lima. They travel two hours by bus every weekend to provide workshops for the children and their mothers (and a few fathers) about a wide range of topics, including assertiveness training, skills for couples, artesania, and many other things. We´re planning some new activities for the next two years that will include starting a business, perhaps a bakery.

To celebrate the anniversary, the children prepared some dances and skits, Sonia and I cooked aji de gallina, a creamy chicken sauce served over potatoes and lettuce, and some friends of Lucy and Walter played guitars and flutes and sang.
During the celebration, a parade happened to pass by. It appeared to be in honor of el Señor de los Milagros (Lord of the Miracles, one of the many representations of Christ), but included

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